With your help, creating school bags is leveling our nation’s academic playing field. Join us today in preparing a child in the Greater Houston Area for tomorrow’s success! School bags are not just about paper, pens, or notebooks– it’s about giving the gift of opportunity in school and life that this special population of children may not otherwise receive. School Bags are handed out year round as children change schools, receive various home placements, or simply run out of supplies. The process to creating an age appropriate school bag is as easy as 1,2,3! Get started today by following this easy guide!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you choose to create school bags, please make sure that this Virtual Volunteer Form is completed and attached to your donation when it is dropped off at BEAR HQ. You may also complete the form and send it via email to Volunteer Coordinator, Alexis Evans at Alexis.Evans@harriscountytx.gov
1. Pick an age group and print your tag:
- Elementary (click HERE for your printable bag-tag)
- Middle School/High School (click HERE for your printable bag-tag)
2. Choose a Backpack:
- Choose a fun, age-appropriate backpack
3. Fill with School Supplies:
- bottle of glue or glue stick
- eraser
- scissors
- no. 2 pencils
- ruler
- spiral composition books (wide rule)
- pens (black, blue, red)
- pencil case
- pocket folders
- manila paper
- construction paper
- highlighters
- index cards
- package of notebook paper (wide rule)
- spiral notebook
- washable markers
- sharpener
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Middle School/High School
- bottle of glue or glue stick
- eraser
- scissors
- no. 2 pencils
- spiral composition books (college rule)
- pens (black, blue, red)
- pocket folders
- graph paper
- highlighters
- index cards
- ruler
- three-ring binders
- USB flash drives
- pencil case
- package of notebook paper (college rule)
- spiral notebooks
- washable markers
- sharpener
Questions? Please contact Outreach and Heart Gallery Manager, Merri Hahn at Merri.Hahn@harriscountytx.gov – Thank you for providing hope and help to at-risk and CPS-involved children in the greater Houston area!