Heart Gallery of Greater Houston

Heart Gallery of Greater Houston is a powerful, traveling photographic exhibit created to help find forever families for children in foster care. Nearly 1,000 children in the greater Houston area wait for a family and a place to call home. The Heart Gallery is an outreach initiative that can be found throughout the nation, directly addressing these children who historically only have a 1% chance of being adopted before aging out of the system. With a Heart Gallery program in place, the national statistic of these children being adopted changes from 1% to over 60% – and continues to grow.

Growing up in the Texas foster care system is a reality for thousands of children, with more than 6,000 currently waiting to be adopted. The Heart Gallery exists to shine a light on these children, many of whom are older, part of a sibling group, or medically fragile – often referred to as the “forgotten children.” Through powerful portraits and personal stories, the gallery offers a glimpse into the lives of these incredible kids, each one hoping for the love and stability of a forever family. If you’re considering adoption, we encourage you to discover the incredible children still hoping for a loving and permanent home. Please visit Heart Gallery of Greater Houston to learn more!

Looking for another way to support these youth? Become a Heart Gallery Hero today! You can show your support in a variety of ways donate monetarily, sponsor an event or an outing, use your professional photography skills to become a photographer, or host an exhibit. To learn more, please email our Heart Gallery Supervisor, Jose Romero, at Jose.Romero@harriscountytx.gov